About Us
We do cool stuff sometimes.
Hello! Welcome to MINIMUM WAGE STUDIOS! If you're wondering about comics and games or whatever weird things you want us to do, those are all coming soon. This website is still a work in progress, so we still need to figure out how to get everything going. It shouldn't take too long, but news about the game and comics will show up in the news section, and info about the comics and game will still be here. We're just not ready to release them yet. If you want, check this website over the next couple weeks and the first comic might have started.
Our Story
I was told to write a story about us, and they said my name wasn't important. I didn't really get what they were asking me, so I tried to ask them, but they told me to figure it out because they just quit. By the way, it's called "Minimum Wage Studios" for a reason. Anyway, we formed this studio (if you can call it that) because we felt like doing a bunch of cool things. Games, comics, merch, getting rich, you name it!